Oil Rig
The Oil Ring Stronghold is found southeast of Marsh Island's waypoint.
To get there, ride a flying mount to get as close to the Rig as possible. The enemy stronghold can shoot you down with deadly lasers, so take your Pal as high as possible to avoid their range before parachuting into the Oil Rig.
You should also bring a swimming mount in case your flying Pal gets downed.
Big chest can be in one of four locations (could be more), labelled A B C and D. Smaller chests 1-12 are static. All respawn every in-game day, not at daybreak but seemingly 24 hours after starting the alarm or opening the big chest, unsure of which. It is possible for enemies to despawn/respawn while you are there, alongside the chests.
Small chests are worth opening, they can contain 5-20 oil or 15-20 dog coins, small lotuses or rarely giving schematics. Big chests can have 50-150 oil, large lotuses and appear to be the only source of legendary schematics for some of the new weapons as well as the base schematic for the quad missile launcher.
The chest on the tower can only be acquired with a flying mount, tower doesn't let you grapple onto or climb up it for whatever reason. Laser towers don't seem to activate when you're on the rig itself. Enemies are strong enough to gun down your mount very quickly though, especially because it'll get stunned from taking too much damage too quickly. Safest to ride your mount way higher, glide down with a galeclaw and shoot the guy at the top of the tower with a rocket before he starts firing. If your mount is killed getting away from the oil rig is a pain, so always bring a homeward thundercloud.