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This where I'd put a bio, IF I HAD ONE.

Personal Goals/Projects

I tend to get distracted from what I was doing the previous day. If you want to spearhead these yourself, don't let me stop you!

These are in no particular order. Nor is it an exhaustive list.

  • Get all icons uploaded or redirected to their correct one
  • Organize the Loot Tables and figure out where they all go.
  • Some merchants have different items they sell. Figure out who, what, and where.
  • Hopefully update the Pal infobox:
    • Add a tab for Alpha/Shiny drops.
    • Include drop count, and rate (if datamined)
    • Auto categorize Pals based on element(s).
    • Add egg type, and whether they can be found in the wild.
    • Add Pals to cargo, so we can query them.