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PalWorldSettings.ini is the most important of the many Configuration Files available for dedicated Servers. It exposes many settings to control various core aspects of gameplay.


PalWorldSettings.ini must be 2 lines long. The first line must be [/Script/Pal.PalGameWorldSettings]. The second is a string containing all of your settings:

; Example PalWorldSettings.ini

If you don't follow this formatting, your settings will be overridden with the default values.


Setting Description Default Accepted Values
Difficulty Game difficulty setting - Not currently used None N/A
DayTimeSpeedRate Day time speed modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
NightTimeSpeedRate Night time speed modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
ExpRate Experience rate modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PalCaptureRate Pal catch rate modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PalSpawnNumRate Pal spawn rate modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PalDamageRateAttack Pal damage-dealt modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PalDamageRateDefense Pal damage-received modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PlayerDamageRateAttack Player damage-dealt modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PlayerDamageRateDefense Player damage-received modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PlayerStomachDecreaceRate[1] Player hunger modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate[1] Player stamina modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate Player health regeneration rate modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep Player sleeping health regeneration rate modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PalStomachDecreaceRate[1] Pal hunger modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PalStaminaDecreaceRate[1] Pal stamina modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PalAutoHPRegeneRate Pal health regeneration rate modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep Pal sleeping health regeneration rate modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
BuildObjectDamageRate Built object damage rate modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate Built object decay rate modifier (for built objects outside of Bases) 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
CollectionDropRate Resource collection drop rate modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
CollectionObjectHpRate Resource node (trees, rocks, ores, etc.) health modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate Resource node (trees, rocks, ores, etc.) respawn rate modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
EnemyDropItemRate Enemy dropped Item multiplier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
DeathPenalty The loss penalty (Items, equipment, Pals) applied on Player death All None, Item, ItemAndEquipment, All
bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage Enable player-to-player damage False True, False
bEnableFriendlyFire Enable friendly fire False True, False
bEnableInvaderEnemy Enable base-invasion attacks True True, False
bActiveUNKO TBD False True, False
bEnableAimAssistPad Enable aim assist for game pads (such as controllers) True True, False
bEnableAimAssistKeyboard Enable aim assist for mouse & keyboard False True, False
DropItemMaxNum TBD 3000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
DropItemMaxNum_UNKO TBD 100 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
BaseCampMaxNum Max number of total base camps on the map (cumulative count of all Guild Bases) 128 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
BaseCampWorkerMaxNum Max number of base Pal workers 15 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
DropItemAliveMaxHours Amount of time dropped Items exist before they despawn (in hours) 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers Enable disbanding Guilds when none of the member players have been online (based on duration specified by AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers) False True, False
AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers How quickly an inactive Guild will be disbanded 72.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
GuildPlayerMaxNum Max number of players allowed in a Guild 20 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime Base hatch time for eggs with the max hatch duration (lesser eggs hatch in less time) 72.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
WorkSpeedRate Work speed rate modifier 1.000000 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
bIsMultiplay TBD False True, False
bIsPvP Enable PvP False True, False
bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop Allow players to pick up Items dropped on death by players from Guilds other than their own False True, False
bEnableNonLoginPenalty TBD True True, False
bEnableFastTravel Enable fast traveling to Bases and Great Eagle Statues True True, False
bIsStartLocationSelectByMap TBD True True, False
bExistPlayerAfterLogout Enable player characters remaining in-game after logging out False True, False
bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayer TBD False True, False
CoopPlayerMaxNum Max co-operative play party size 4 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
ServerPlayerMaxNum Max number of concurrent players on the server 4 TBD (min) - TBD (max)
ServerName Server name "Default Palworld Server" Any string value
ServerDescription Server description text "" Any string value
AdminPassword Server admin password "" Any string value
ServerPassword Server password "" Any string value
PublicPort Server port 8211 A valid port number
PublicIP Server IP "" A valid IP address
RCONEnabled TBD true true, false
RCONPort TBD 25575 A valid port number
Region TBD "" TBD
bUseAuth TBD True True, False

Known Bugs

  • BaseCampWorkerMaxNum does not appear to work
    • Some users have reported that changing this value has no effect; the Pal limit remains at 15
  • CoopPlayerMaxNum does not appear to work
    • Some users have reported that changing this value has no effect; the co-op limit remains at 4
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 These keys use "Decreace" and not "Decrease"