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Workload represents the amount of time required to perform a particular task, whether it be Crafting, Cooking, building Structures, or gathering resources at a Stone Pit or Logging Site.

Tasks with higher Work Load take more time to perform, and Pals and Players with a higher Work Speed will take less time to perform those tasks.

Calculating Work Speed

Improving Work Speed

There are several ways to improve the speed at which Pals complete tasks:

  • Choosing a Pal with higher Handiwork level, or Condensing them to increase it
  • Choosing a Pal with Passive Skills to increase Work Speed, such as Work Slave or Artisan
  • Increasing base Work Speed with Pal Souls
  • Feeding the Pal food which increases work speed, such as Salad.

You can also improve the speed at which Players complete tasks: