Great Eagle Statue

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An unactivated Great Eagle Statue.

Great Eagle Statues are scattered across the Palpagos Islands and are used to fast travel around the map once activated. Each Tower has a Great Eagle Statue located on top of it (usually in addition to one located on the ground nearby). They appear to take the form of Galeclaws.

Fast Travel

Great Eagle Statues can be activated by pressing the interact button when prompted to "Unlock Fast Travel", after which their orange glow will change to blue to indicate.

Once unlocked, teleportation to any other unlocked Great Eagle Statue or Base becomes possible by interacting with it and selecting the desired location on the map to teleport to.

Unlocking a Great Eagle Statue also awards you one Technology point.

Survival Guide

Great Eagle Statues are also described in the Survival Guide:

Image displayed in the in-game Survival Guide.

Great Eagle Statue

Activating a Great Eagle Statue allows you to fast travel to any other previously visited Great Eagle Statues, as well as your Palbox.

In addition, will gain Technology Points each time you activate a Great Eagle Statue.

The statues are scattered all over the world, so use them to your advantage.

*Fast travel cannot be used if it's disabled in the world settings.

Single-player worlds can be set up to enable/disable fast travel in their World Settings.

Dedicated servers can be configured to enable/disable fast travel in their PalWorldSettings.ini file.