Baked Berries

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Baked Berries icon.png  Baked Berries are a Food item which can be cooked at a Campfire icon.png  Campfire, Cooking Pot icon.png  Cooking Pot, or Electric Kitchen icon.png  Electric Kitchen. It can be consumed to restore Hunger and Sanity. They are the primary consumable ingredient for early game.

Easily produced in mass quantities, Baked Berries are cheap to produce, fast to cook, and nutritious enough to stave off starvation for early to late game. Once automated with Berry Plantations a well planned Base can sustain its workers with extra Baked Berries for the Player to take on their adventures.

They can be obtained by Cooking Red Berries at cooking stations such as a Campfire.



Material Quantity
Red Berries icon.png   Red Berries 1
Output Quantity
Baked Berries icon.png  Baked Berries 1
