View table: Items

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Table structure:

  1. Item - String
  2. Description - String
  3. Type - Page
  4. Weight - Float
  5. Rarity - String
  6. Buy_Value - Integer
  7. Sell_Value - Float
  8. Nutrition - Integer
  9. SAN - Integer
  10. Durability - Integer
  11. Attack - Integer
  12. Defense - Integer
  13. Health_Bonus - Integer
  14. Shield_Value - Integer
  15. Glider_Speed - Integer
  16. Stamina_Drain - Integer
  17. Equip_Effect - Wikitext
  18. Ammo_Type - Page
  19. Tech_Name - String
  20. Tech_Level - Integer
  21. Tech_Cost - Integer
  22. Tech_Ancient - Boolean

This table has 808 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Item Description Type Weight Rarity Buy Value Sell Value Nutrition SAN Durability Attack Defense Health Bonus Shield Value Glider Speed Stamina Drain Equip Effect Ammo Type Tech Name Tech Level Tech Cost Tech Ancient
Ability Glasses (edit) Ability Glasses Glasses used to discern hidden Pal abilities. Displays [[Health]], [[Attack]] and [[Defense]] stats on a scale of 0 to 100. Accessory 1.0 Rare 5,000 500.0 Ability Glasses 34 4 Yes
Ancient Civilization Core (edit) Ancient Civilization Core Core from technology that was lost long ago. Nearly impossible to find on the Palpagos Islands, it contains a wealth of forgotten knowledge. Material 1.0 Legendary 1 1.0 No
Ancient Civilization Parts (edit) Ancient Civilization Parts Debris excavated from ancient ruins. Contains abundant information on lost technology. Extremely valuable, people from all walks of life are now seeking such crystals. Material 1.0 Rare 1,000 100.0 No
Ancient Technical Manual (edit) Ancient Technical Manual A book that contains long-lost secrets of technology from a forgotten era. Use it to obtain Ancient Technology Points. Consumable 0.0 Legendary 1 1.0 No
Animal Skin (edit) Animal Skin Animal Skin Material 1.0 Common 140 14.0 No
Animal Skin 2 (edit) Animal Skin 2 Animal Skin 2 Material 3.0 Uncommon 10 1.0 No
Antibiotic Good (edit) Antibiotic Good Antibiotic Good Consumable 1.0 Common 10 1.0 No
Antibiotic Normal (edit) Antibiotic Normal Antibiotic Normal Consumable 1.0 Common 10 1.0 No
Antibiotic Super (edit) Antibiotic Super Antibiotic Super Consumable 1.0 Common 10 1.0 No
Arrow (edit) Arrow An Arrow for use with a bow. Ammo 0.025 Common 5 0.5 Arrow 3 1 No
Arsox Saddle (edit) Arsox Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Arsox]]. Key Item 0.0 Rare 0 0.0 Arsox Saddle 16 1 No
Assault Rifle Ammo (edit) Assault Rifle Ammo Ammo for [[Assault Rifle]] and other similar weapons. Ammo 0.01 Common 150 15.0 Assault Rifle Ammo 45 1 No
Assault Rifle Schematic 1 (edit) Assault Rifle Schematic 1 Unlocks recipe for [[Assault Rifle]] (Uncommon). Can be crafted at [[Weapon Assembly Line]]. Schematic 0.0 Uncommon 10,000 1,000.0 Assault Rifle Schematic 1 No
Assault Rifle Schematic 2 (edit) Assault Rifle Schematic 2 Unlocks recipe for [[Assault Rifle]] (Rare). Can be crafted at [[Weapon Assembly Line]]. Schematic 0.0 Rare 10,000 1,000.0 Assault Rifle Schematic 2 No
Assault Rifle Schematic 3 (edit) Assault Rifle Schematic 3 Unlocks recipe for [[Assault Rifle]] (Epic). Can be crafted at [[Weapon Assembly Line]]. Schematic 0.0 Epic 10,000 1,000.0 Assault Rifle Schematic 3 No
Assault Rifle Schematic 4 (edit) Assault Rifle Schematic 4 Unlocks recipe for [[Assault Rifle]] (Legendary). Can be crafted at [[Weapon Assembly Line]]. Schematic 0.0 Legendary 10,000 1,000.0 Assault Rifle Schematic 4 No
Astegon Saddle (edit) Astegon Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Astegon]]. Key Item 0.0 Legendary 0 0.0 Astegon Saddle 47 4 No
Attack Pendant (edit) Attack Pendant An accessory that slightly raises [[Attack]]. Accessory 2.0 Common 4,000 400.0

Attack Up Lv. 1

Attack Pendant No
Attack Pendant +1 (edit) Attack Pendant +1 An accessory that raises [[Attack]]. Accessory 2.0 Uncommon 7,000 700.0

Attack Up Lv. 2

Attack Pendant +1 No
Attack Pendant +2 (edit) Attack Pendant +2 An accessory that greatly raises [[Attack]]. Accessory 2.0 Rare 10,000 1,000.0

Attack Up Lv. 3

Attack Pendant +2 No
Average Feed Bag (edit) Average Feed Bag A decently sized pouch for holding food. Unlocks 2 food slots in your inventory. Players and Pals automatically consume food when hungry. Key Item 0.0 Uncommon 1 1.0 Average Feed Bag 20 2 Yes
Axe4 (edit) Axe4 Axe4 Weapon 25.0 Common 33,000 3,300.0 400 75 Axe4 No
Axel Hat (edit) Axel Hat Dress up like Axel using this special headpiece! Armor 7.0 Legendary 180 18.0 5,000 20 60 Axel Hat No
Azurobe Saddle (edit) Azurobe Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Azurobe]]. Key Item 0.0 Epic 0 0.0 Azurobe Saddle 24 2 No
Baked Berries (edit) Baked Berries Cooking enhances their nutritional value, and surprisingly, they are quite filling. Ingredient 0.15 Common 100 10.0 21 1 No
Baked Mushroom (edit) Baked Mushroom Cooking this mushroom enhances its nutritional value. Curiously, it's also quite filling. Ingredient 1.0 Common 100 10.0 18 1 No
Bat (edit) Bat Baseball bat for close-range combat. Might be tough to get a home run with a Pal. Weapon 3.0 Common 80 8.0 150 50 Bat 7 1 No
Beakon Saddle (edit) Beakon Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Beakon]]. Key Item 0.0 Epic 0 0.0 Beakon Saddle 34 3 No
Beautiful Flower (edit) Beautiful Flower A plant that blooms colorful flowers. Can be used to make [[Suspicious Juice]] and [[Strange Juice]]. Ingredient 0.2 Common 240 24.0 1 5 No
Beegarde's Spear (edit) Beegarde's Spear A spear made from the [[Beegarde]]'s spear, altered for human use. Can feel a sincere loyalty. Weapon 15.0 Uncommon 20,000 2,000.0 400 150 Beegarde's Spear No
Beer (edit) Beer Beer Ingredient 1.5 Common 100 10.0 25 0 No
Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab (edit) Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab Slab overflowing with [[Bellanoir Libero]]'s energy. Offer to an Summoning Altar to summon an inconceivably powerful (Lv ??) [[Bellanoir Libero]]. Consumable 1.0 Legendary 1 1.0 Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab No
Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab Fragment (edit) Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab Fragment Fragment overflowing with [[Bellanoir Libero]]'s energy. Combine all of them to create a Slab. Schematic 0.25 Rare 1 1.0 Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab Fragment No
Bellanoir Libero's Slab (edit) Bellanoir Libero's Slab Slab depicting [[Bellanoir Libero]]. Offer to an Summoning Altar to summon an exceptionally powerful Lv 50 [[Bellanoir Libero]]. Consumable 1.0 Epic 1 1.0 Bellanoir Libero's Slab No
Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragment (edit) Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragment Fragment depicting [[Bellanoir Libero]]. Combine all of them to create a Slab. Schematic 0.25 Uncommon 1 1.0 Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragment No
Bellanoir's Slab (edit) Bellanoir's Slab Slab depicting [[Bellanoir]]. Offer to an Summoning Altar to summon a powerful Lv 30 [[Bellanoir]]. Consumable 1.0 Rare 1 1.0 Bellanoir's Slab No
Bellanoir's Slab Fragment (edit) Bellanoir's Slab Fragment Fragment depicting [[Bellanoir]]. Combine all of them to create a Slab. Schematic 0.25 Common 1 1.0 Bellanoir's Slab Fragment No
Berry Seeds (edit) Berry Seeds Seeds that produce [[Red Berries]]. Necessary for starting a farm. Can be obtained when picking Red Berries. Material 0.05 Common 50 5.0 No
Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab (edit) Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab Slab overflowing with energy of [[Blazamut Ryu]]. Offer to an Summoning Altar to summon an inconceivably powerful (Lv ??) [[Blazamut Ryu]]. Consumable 1.0 Legendary 1 1.0 Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab No
Blazamut Ryu Saddle (edit) Blazamut Ryu Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Blazamut Ryu]]. Key Item 0.0 Legendary 0 0.0 Blazamut Ryu Saddle 55 4 No
Blazamut Ryu Slab (edit) Blazamut Ryu Slab Slab depicting [[Blazamut Ryu]]. Offer to an Summoning Altar to summon a very powerful Lv 55 [[Blazamut Ryu]]. Consumable 1.0 Rare 1 1.0 Blazamut Ryu Slab No
Blazamut Ryu Slab Fragment (edit) Blazamut Ryu Slab Fragment Fragment depicting [[Blazamut Ryu]]. Combine all of them to create a Slab. Schematic 0.25 Common 1 1.0 Blazamut Ryu Slab Fragment No
Blazamut Saddle (edit) Blazamut Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Blazamut]]. Key Item 0.0 Epic 0 0.0 Blazamut Saddle 38 4 No
Blazehowl Noct Saddle (edit) Blazehowl Noct Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Blazehowl Noct]]. Key Item 0.0 Epic 0 0.0 Blazehowl Noct Saddle 35 3 No
Blazehowl Saddle (edit) Blazehowl Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Blazehowl]]. Key Item 0.0 Epic 0 0.0 Blazehowl Saddle 32 3 No
Bolognese Sauce (edit) Bolognese Sauce A pasta dish combined with meat sauce. Eating it makes it difficult for sanity to decrease and provides Attack +10% for a while. Ingredient 0.5 Common 2,250 225.0 190 13 No
Boltmane Saddle (edit) Boltmane Saddle A tool for safely riding [[Boltmane]]. Key Item 0.0 Legendary 0 0.0 No
Bone (edit) Bone Bone collected from Pals. Used in the creation of high quality Paldium. Material 1.0 Common 100 10.0 No
Bowler Hat (edit) Bowler Hat A tough, round hat. It was sold with the guarantee that it wouldn't break even if a [[Mammorest]] stepped on it. Armor 4.0 Common 180 18.0 300 20 60

Neutral Damage Reduction Lv. 1

Bowler Hat No
Bowler Hat Schematic 1 (edit) Bowler Hat Schematic 1 When in inventory, unlocks recipe for [[Bowler Hat]] (Uncommon). Can be crafted at [[Primitive Workbench]]. Schematic 0.0 Common 500 50.0 Bowler Hat Schematic 1 No
Box of Mystery Accessories (edit) Box of Mystery Accessories A mysterious box whose insides synchronize with the owner's body. Accessory equipment slots increase further by 1. Key Item 0.0 Legendary 0 0.0 No
Bread (edit) Bread Bread made from baked [[Flour]]. A tasty staple food. Ingredient 0.3 Common 200 20.0 27 4 No
Broiled Dumud (edit) Broiled Dumud Grilled fish slathered with a secret sauce. Soothes both mind and body. Perfect for tired Pal Tamers. Ingredient 2.0 Common 700 70.0 70 1 No
Broncherry Aqua Saddle (edit) Broncherry Aqua Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Broncherry Aqua]]. Key Item 0.0 Rare 0 0.0 Broncherry Aqua Saddle 27 2 No
Broncherry Meat (edit) Broncherry Meat [[Broncherry]] meat. Giant meat full of massive stores of energy. Stuffed to the brim with nutrients gathered through photosynthesis. Ingredient 5.0 Uncommon 1,800 180.0 180 0 No
Broncherry Rib Roast (edit) Broncherry Rib Roast Grilled meat brimming with the flavor of the king of the wilds. Juices from the compressed meat flow from the bone, making it surprisingly tender despite the initial toughness. Ingredient 5.0 Uncommon 2,520 252.0 252 3 No
Broncherry Saddle (edit) Broncherry Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Broncherry]]. Key Item 0.0 Rare 0 0.0 Broncherry Saddle 20 2 No
Burden Elixir (edit) Burden Elixir Extremely valuable elixir that permanently raises carrying capacity when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals. Consumable 1.0 Legendary 200,000 20,000.0 1 0 No
Burden Remedy (edit) Burden Remedy Extremely valuable potion that permanently raises carrying capacity by a slight amount when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals. Consumable 1.0 Epic 100,000 10,000.0 1 0 No
Burrito (edit) Burrito A dish where bacon, [[Lettuce]], [[Tomato]] are sandwiched in [[Bread]]. Consumption increases the Attack by +15% for a while. Ingredient 0.3 Common 3,000 300.0 316 22 No
Cake (edit) Cake A dish that is eaten during celebrations. Put it in the chest at your breeding farm to have a Pal lay a particularly healthy egg. Ingredient 1.0 Common 10,000 1,000.0 656 82 No
Caprity Meat (edit) Caprity Meat [[Caprity]] meat. Healthy and full of nutrients. Hints of berries scenting the meat stimulates the appetite. Ingredient 2.5 Common 570 57.0 57 0 No
Capture Rope (edit) Capture Rope Capture Rope Weapon 5.0 Common 20,000 2,000.0 200 1,000 Capture Rope No
Carbon Fiber (edit) Carbon Fiber A lightweight yet sturdy material. Used to create armor among other equipment. Material 0.2 Common 120 12.0 Carbon Fiber 35 2 No
Carbonara (edit) Carbonara A dish mixing pasta with [[Egg]] and [[Milk]]. Eating it makes it improves [[Defense]] by +20% for a period of time. Ingredient 0.5 Common 800 80.0 129 16 No
Carrying Lotus (L) (edit) Carrying Lotus (L) Large purple flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make [[Burden Elixir]]s. Material 0.1 Legendary 100,000 10,000.0 No
Carrying Lotus (S) (edit) Carrying Lotus (S) Small purple flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make [[Burden Remedy|Burden Remedies]]. Material 0.1 Epic 50,000 5,000.0 No
Cattiva Hat (edit) Cattiva Hat Hat shaped like a [[Cattiva]]. Armor 4.0 Common 180 18.0 300 20 60

Neutral Damage Reduction Lv. 1

Cattiva Hat No
Cavern Mushroom (edit) Cavern Mushroom Mushroom that grows prolifically in caves. Can be made into healing medicine. Ingredient 1.0 Common 50 5.0 15 0 No
Cawgnito Hat (edit) Cawgnito Hat Hat shaped like a [[Cawgnito]]. Armor 4.0 Common 180 18.0 300 20 60

Dark Damage Reduction Lv. 1

Cawgnito Hat No
Celaray's Gloves (edit) Celaray's Gloves Gloves for gently holding on to [[Celaray]]'s fins. If Celaray is in your team, it can be used as a glider. Key Item 0.0 Uncommon 0 0.0 Celaray's Gloves 7 1 No
Cement (edit) Cement Cement used for creating structures and more. Can be produced in a [[High Quality Workbench]]. Material 5.0 Common 220 22.0 Cement 19 1 No
Charcoal (edit) Charcoal Charcoal made from burning [[Wood]]. It can be combined with [[Sulfur]] to create [[Gunpowder]]. Material 2.0 Common 20 2.0 No
Cheeseburger (edit) Cheeseburger A meal made with a [[Hamburger]] with cheese squeezed between it. Upon consumption, it increases the satiety level for a certain period as well as Defense +10%. Ingredient 0.3 Common 3,400 340.0 338 22 No
Chikipi Poultry (edit) Chikipi Poultry [[Chikipi]] meat. Light and easy to eat, it's a local favorite for residents of Palpagos Island. Ingredient 1.0 Common 100 10.0 36 0 No
Chikipi Sauté (edit) Chikipi Sauté Plump poultry sautéed in butter. Accented with fresh lemons. Eat to slightly increase work speed for a period of time. Ingredient 0.5 Uncommon 920 92.0 92 12 No
Chillet Ignis Saddle (edit) Chillet Ignis Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Chillet Ignis]]. Key Item 0.0 Legendary 0 0.0 Chillet Ignis Saddle 45 2 No
Chillet Saddle (edit) Chillet Saddle Saddle for safely riding [[Chillet]]. Key Item 0.0 Rare 0 0.0 Chillet Saddle 13 2 No
Circuit Board (edit) Circuit Board Required to create precision equipment. Can be made with a <span class="iconlink">[[File:Production Assembly Line icon.png | 32px | link=Production Assembly Line]][[Production Assembly Line| &nbsp;Production Assembly Line]]</span>. Material 2.0 Common 1,000 100.0 Circuit Board 35 2 No
Claw (edit) Claw Claw Material 1.0 Common 120 12.0 No
Claws 2 (edit) Claws 2 Claws2 Material 1.0 Uncommon 10 1.0 No
Claws Pendant (edit) Claws Pendant Claws Pendant Accessory 2.0 Common 1,500 150.0 5 10 Claws Pendant No
Cloth (edit) Cloth Cloth woven from [[Wool]]. Required to create [[armor]]. Material 1.0 Common 80 8.0 Cloth 3 1 No
Cloth Hat (edit) Cloth Hat Cloth Hat Armor 2.0 Common 160 16.0 150 5 30 Cloth Hat No
Cloth Outfit Schematic 1 (edit) Cloth Outfit Schematic 1 Unlocks recipe for [[Cloth Outfit]] (Uncommon). Can be crafted at [[Primitive Workbench]]. Schematic 0.0 Uncommon 10,000 1,000.0 Cloth Outfit Schematic 1 No
Cloth Outfit Schematic 2 (edit) Cloth Outfit Schematic 2 Unlocks recipe for [[Cloth Outfit]] (Rare). Can be crafted at [[Primitive Workbench]]. Schematic 0.0 Rare 10,000 1,000.0 Cloth Outfit Schematic 2 No
Cloth Outfit Schematic 3 (edit) Cloth Outfit Schematic 3 Unlocks recipe for [[Cloth Outfit]] (Epic). Can be crafted at [[Primitive Workbench]]. Schematic 0.0 Epic 10,000 1,000.0 Cloth Outfit Schematic 3 No
Cloth Outfit Schematic 4 (edit) Cloth Outfit Schematic 4 Unlocks recipe for [[Cloth Outfit]] (Legendary). Can be crafted at [[Primitive Workbench]]. Schematic 0.0 Legendary 10,000 1,000.0 Cloth Outfit Schematic 4 No
Coal (edit) Coal Coal often found in caves and other places. Required to create high quality metal. Material 5.0 Common 30 3.0 No
Coarse Ammo (edit) Coarse Ammo Ammo for [[Musket]], [[Makeshift Handgun]], and other similar [[weapons]]. Ammo 0.025 Common 120 12.0 Coarse Ammo 21 1 No
Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 1 (edit) Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 1 When in inventory, unlocks recipe for [[Cold Resistant Metal Armor]] Schematic 1 (Uncommon). Can be crafted at [[High Quality Workbench]]. Schematic 0.0 Uncommon 10,000 1,000.0 Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 1 No
Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 2 (edit) Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 2 When in inventory, unlocks recipe for [[Cold Resistant Metal Armor]] Schematic 2 (Rare). Can be crafted at [[High Quality Workbench]]. Schematic 0.0 Rare 10,000 1,000.0 Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 2 No
Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 3 (edit) Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 3 When in inventory, unlocks recipe for [[Cold Resistant Metal Armor]] Schematic 3 (Epic). Can be crafted at [[High Quality Workbench]]. Schematic 0.0 Epic 10,000 1,000.0 Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 3 No
Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 4 (edit) Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 4 When in inventory, unlocks recipe for [[Cold Resistant Metal Armor]] Schematic 4 (Legendary). Can be crafted at [[High Quality Workbench]]. Schematic 0.0 Legendary 10,000 1,000.0 Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 4 No
Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 1 (edit) Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 1 When in inventory, unlocks recipe for [[Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor]] Schematic 1 (Uncommon). Can be crafted at [[Production Assembly Line II]]. Schematic 0.0 Uncommon 10,000 1,000.0 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 1 No
Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 2 (edit) Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 2 When in inventory, unlocks recipe for [[Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor]] Schematic 2 (Rare). Can be crafted at [[Production Assembly Line II]]. Schematic 0.0 Rare 10,000 1,000.0 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 2 No
Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 3 (edit) Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 3 When in inventory, unlocks recipe for [[Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor]] Schematic 3 (Epic). Can be crafted at [[Production Assembly Line II]]. Schematic 0.0 Epic 10,000 1,000.0 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 3 No
Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 4 (edit) Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 4 When in inventory, unlocks recipe for [[Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor]] Schematic 4 (Legendary). Can be crafted at [[Production Assembly Line II]]. Schematic 0.0 Legendary 10,000 1,000.0 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 4 No
Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 1 (edit) Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 1 When in inventory, unlocks recipe for [[Cold Resistant Pelt Armor]] Schematic 1 (Uncommon). Can be crafted at [[High Quality Workbench]]. Schematic 0.0 Uncommon 10,000 1,000.0 Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 1 No
Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 2 (edit) Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 2 When in inventory, unlocks recipe for [[Cold Resistant Pelt Armor]] Schematic 2 (Rare). Can be crafted at [[High Quality Workbench]]. Schematic 0.0 Rare 10,000 1,000.0 Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 2 No
