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Gliding is a mechanic where you use the air to create horizontal velocity. Gliding can be done using Gliders items or Partner Skills from certain Pals in your party.


If you have the right equipment or pals, you can activate gliding by jumping (pressing spacebar) mid-air. If you're standing on the ground, you would first have to jump off the ground, and then jump again in the air.

Gliding consumes stamina. If the player runs out of stamina while gliding, they will begin to fall.

After activating the glider, it takes about 1 second before you can deactivate it again. The glider can be deactivated mid-air by jumping or crouching, and be reopened immediately after.

Gliders rotate similar to how the player moves, and can be changed direction instantly. When a glider is activated, the player will glide in the direction it last moved: When not pressing anything, the glider continues in the direction it is going. While activated, the glider will slowly start to gain more downward velocity. This can be reset by closing and reopening your glider.

You can't throw Pal Spheres or Pals in your party while gliding. You can still pick up pals in your base while gliding. You can also pat or feed them. This will deactivate your glider. You can also use emotes, allowing you to 'Sit on ground' while in the air.

Glider items

Gliders need to be equipped in the inventory to work.

Better gliders will go more horizontally and consume less stamina.

Pals with gliding skills

Some Pals have a Partner Skill to let the player use it as glider. For Pals to be able to be used as gliders, the player must first have the items to do so. Each pal has their own gear that the player must research and craft. When acquiring the item, it will go to the 'Key Items' tab in the inventory, and you can start gliding.

If your party has multiple Pals that can be used as glider, the game will go through your party from top to bottom and pick the first pal that can be glided with.

Name Skill name Required item Required Level Notes
Celaray icon.png  Celaray Zephyr Glider Celaray's Gloves 7 Allows the player to move quickly while gliding.
Killamari icon.png  Killamari Fried Squid Killamari's Gloves 9 Can float for long periods of time while gliding.
Hangyu icon.png  Hangyu Flying Trapeze Hangyu's Gloves 20 Carries the player up high while gliding.
Galeclaw icon.png  Galeclaw Galeclaw Rider Galeclaw's Gloves 23 Allows the player to fire a gun while gliding. This includes Grappling Guns
Hangyu Cryst icon.png  Hangyu Cryst Winter Trapeze Hangyu Cryst's Glove 31 Carries the player up high while gliding.


Tip 1: You can slide off a slope to build up momentum. While sliding, you can jump up and begin gliding while keeping your momentum. This lets you glide at higher speeds.

Tip 2: Using a Grappling Gun, you can gain some high momentum for longer distance gliding. Aim at the corner of a wall/high surface and cancel after gaining some speed, but before hitting the wall. Directing yourself away from the wall to prevent collision will let you glide through the air at high speeds.

A good testing environment is building the following with the Wooden Structure Set: A foundation, two walls on top of each other, and a roof. Standing some distance away and aiming at the bottom of the roof will make sure you don't have any obstacles after gripping. Then, cancel before getting close to the roof and activate your glider. Now watch as you glide through the air faster than a Jetragon[verify].