Pal Eggs

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Pal Eggs are where all Pals are born from. Pal Eggs are various eggs that can either be obtained through Breeding, or found randomly hidden in the world. Each element has a corresponding egg. Eggs can be hatched by using an Egg Incubator.

Pal Eggs have an element tied to it, such as Neutral icon.png  Neutral or Fire icon.png  Fire, and can be found in three sizes: regular, large, and huge. Wild Pal Eggs have a small chance to hatch as Alpha Pals, and their Pal Egg size will be "huge" if they do.

Various different kinds of Pal Eggs.

Obtaining Eggs

Eggs can be obtained from two sources: from spawn locations around the Palpagos Islands or from a Breeding Farm icon.png  Breeding Farm.

Wild Eggs

Pal Eggs can be found in the wild. They will respawn at certain locations after a period of time.

Size and egg element determines what Pals may hatch from the wild egg.

Egg Preferred Temperature Possible Pals
Common Egg icon.png  Common Egg Warm Lamball icon.png  Lamball, Cattiva icon.png  Cattiva, Chikipi icon.png  Chikipi, Vixy icon.png  Vixy, Cremis icon.png  Cremis, Direhowl icon.png  Direhowl, Tocotoco icon.png  Tocotoco, Mozzarina icon.png  Mozzarina, Woolipop icon.png  Woolipop, Melpaca icon.png  Melpaca, Eikthyrdeer icon.png  Eikthyrdeer, Nitewing icon.png  Nitewing, Ribbuny icon.png  Ribbuny, Galeclaw icon.png  Galeclaw, Fenglope icon.png  Fenglope, Yakumo icon.png  Yakumo
Common Egg icon.png  Large Common Egg Warm Gorirat icon.png  Gorirat, Grintale icon.png  Grintale, Lunaris icon.png  Lunaris, Lovander icon.png  Lovander, Dogen icon.png  Dogen, Mimog icon.png  Mimog
Common Egg icon.png  Huge Common Egg Warm Kingpaca icon.png  Kingpaca, Paladius icon.png  Paladius
Damp Egg icon.png  Damp Egg Cool Fuack icon.png  Fuack, Pengullet icon.png  Pengullet, Teafant icon.png  Teafant, Celaray icon.png  Celaray, Gobfin icon.png  Gobfin, Surfent icon.png  Surfent, Kelpsea icon.png  Kelpsea, Croajiro icon.png  Croajiro
Damp Egg icon.png  Large Damp Egg Cool Penking icon.png  Penking, Azurobe icon.png  Azurobe
Damp Egg icon.png  Huge Damp Egg Cool Suzaku Aqua icon.png  Suzaku Aqua
Dark Egg icon.png  Dark Egg Cool Hoocrates icon.png  Hoocrates, Depresso icon.png  Depresso, Daedream icon.png  Daedream, Killamari icon.png  Killamari, Mau icon.png  Mau, Cawgnito icon.png  Cawgnito, Leezpunk icon.png  Leezpunk, Loupmoon icon.png  Loupmoon
Dark Egg icon.png  Large Dark Egg Cool Nox icon.png  Nox, Incineram Noct icon.png  Incineram Noct, Maraith icon.png  Maraith, Tombat icon.png  Tombat, Katress icon.png  Katress, Katress Ignis icon.png  Katress Ignis, Felbat icon.png  Felbat, Helzephyr icon.png  Helzephyr, Sootseer icon.png  Sootseer, Prixter icon.png  Prixter, Xenovader icon.png  Xenovader
Dark Egg icon.png  Huge Dark Egg Cool Helzephyr Lux icon.png  Helzephyr Lux, Menasting icon.png  Menasting, Lyleen Noct icon.png  Lyleen Noct, Shadowbeak icon.png  Shadowbeak, Necromus icon.png  Necromus, Frostallion Noct icon.png  Frostallion Noct, Bellanoir icon.png  Bellanoir, Bellanoir Libero icon.png  Bellanoir Libero, Selyne icon.png  Selyne
Dragon Egg icon.png  Dragon Egg Hot
Dragon Egg icon.png  Large Dragon Egg Hot Elphidran icon.png  Elphidran, Quivern icon.png  Quivern
Dragon Egg icon.png  Huge Dragon Egg Hot Elphidran Aqua icon.png  Elphidran Aqua, Relaxaurus icon.png  Relaxaurus, Relaxaurus Lux icon.png  Relaxaurus Lux, Quivern Botan icon.png  Quivern Botan, Blazamut Ryu icon.png  Blazamut Ryu, Astegon icon.png  Astegon, Jormuntide icon.png  Jormuntide, Jormuntide Ignis icon.png  Jormuntide Ignis, Orserk icon.png  Orserk, Jetragon icon.png  Jetragon, Xenogard icon.png  Xenogard
Electric Egg icon.png  Electric Egg Warm Sparkit icon.png  Sparkit, Jolthog icon.png  Jolthog, Dazzi icon.png  Dazzi
Electric Egg icon.png  Large Electric Egg Warm Mossanda Lux icon.png  Mossanda Lux, Univolt icon.png  Univolt, Rayhound icon.png  Rayhound, Dinossom Lux icon.png  Dinossom Lux, Beakon icon.png  Beakon
Electric Egg icon.png  Huge Electric Egg Warm Grizzbolt icon.png  Grizzbolt
Frozen Egg icon.png  Frozen Egg Cool Jolthog Cryst icon.png  Jolthog Cryst, Mau Cryst icon.png  Mau Cryst, Hangyu Cryst icon.png  Hangyu Cryst, Swee icon.png  Swee, Chillet icon.png  Chillet, Reindrix icon.png  Reindrix
Frozen Egg icon.png  Large Frozen Egg Cool Sweepa icon.png  Sweepa, Foxcicle icon.png  Foxcicle, Vanwyrm Cryst icon.png  Vanwyrm Cryst, Sibelyx icon.png  Sibelyx, Cryolinx icon.png  Cryolinx, Reptyro Cryst icon.png  Reptyro Cryst, Wumpo icon.png  Wumpo
Frozen Egg icon.png  Huge Frozen Egg Cool Kingpaca Cryst icon.png  Kingpaca Cryst, Mammorest Cryst icon.png  Mammorest Cryst, Frostallion icon.png  Frostallion
Rocky Egg icon.png  Rocky Egg Hot Rushoar icon.png  Rushoar, Fuddler icon.png  Fuddler, Hangyu icon.png  Hangyu, Dumud icon.png  Dumud, Kikit icon.png  Kikit
Rocky Egg icon.png  Large Rocky Egg Hot Eikthyrdeer Terra icon.png  Eikthyrdeer Terra, Gorirat Terra icon.png  Gorirat Terra, Surfent Terra icon.png  Surfent Terra, Digtoise icon.png  Digtoise, Dazemu icon.png  Dazemu
Rocky Egg icon.png  Huge Rocky Egg Hot Warsect icon.png  Warsect, Warsect Terra icon.png  Warsect Terra, Menasting Terra icon.png  Menasting Terra, Anubis icon.png  Anubis, Knocklem icon.png  Knocklem
Scorching Egg icon.png  Scorching Egg Hot Foxparks icon.png  Foxparks, Rooby icon.png  Rooby, Gobfin Ignis icon.png  Gobfin Ignis, Incineram icon.png  Incineram, Arsox icon.png  Arsox, Leezpunk Ignis icon.png  Leezpunk Ignis, Flambelle icon.png  Flambelle, Vanwyrm icon.png  Vanwyrm, Kelpsea Ignis icon.png  Kelpsea Ignis
Scorching Egg icon.png  Large Scorching Egg Hot Chillet Ignis icon.png  Chillet Ignis, Pyrin icon.png  Pyrin, Pyrin Noct icon.png  Pyrin Noct, Kitsun icon.png  Kitsun, Bushi icon.png  Bushi, Bushi Noct icon.png  Bushi Noct, Ragnahawk icon.png  Ragnahawk, Wixen icon.png  Wixen, Wixen Noct icon.png  Wixen Noct, Blazehowl icon.png  Blazehowl, Reptyro icon.png  Reptyro
Scorching Egg icon.png  Huge Scorching Egg Hot Blazehowl Noct icon.png  Blazehowl Noct, Blazamut icon.png  Blazamut, Suzaku icon.png  Suzaku, Faleris icon.png  Faleris
Verdant Egg icon.png  Verdant Egg Warm Lifmunk icon.png  Lifmunk, Tanzee icon.png  Tanzee, Gumoss icon.png  Gumoss, Flopie icon.png  Flopie, Bristla icon.png  Bristla, Caprity icon.png  Caprity, Cinnamoth icon.png  Cinnamoth, Beegarde icon.png  Beegarde, Lullu icon.png  Lullu, Shroomer icon.png  Shroomer
Verdant Egg icon.png  Large Verdant Egg Warm Mossanda icon.png  Mossanda, Robinquill icon.png  Robinquill, Robinquill Terra icon.png  Robinquill Terra, Dinossom icon.png  Dinossom, Broncherry icon.png  Broncherry, Shroomer Noct icon.png  Shroomer Noct
Verdant Egg icon.png  Huge Verdant Egg Warm Elizabee icon.png  Elizabee, Verdash icon.png  Verdash, Vaelet icon.png  Vaelet, Broncherry Aqua icon.png  Broncherry Aqua, Petallia icon.png  Petallia, Mammorest icon.png  Mammorest, Wumpo Botan icon.png  Wumpo Botan, Lyleen icon.png  Lyleen

Note: regardless of the regular size of the egg, any Pal that hatches as Alpha will appear as a Huge egg.

Bred Eggs

Pal Eggs can also be obtained through Breeding. Unlike the wild eggs, bred eggs are not random; they follow a formula to decide which species will hatch depending on the combination of parents used.

Hatching Eggs

Eggs require an Egg Incubator icon.png  Egg Incubator in order to hatch.

Each type of egg has a preferred temperature to be incubated at, which can be managed by placing a Compass Base icon.png  Base on a certain location with the desired temperature and/or by placing the incubator near a heating or cooling source, such as a Campfire icon.png  Campfire.

An incubator's proximity to a heat or cold source will affect the egg's temperature, which is displayed in the incubator's UI. Eggs will receive a incubation speed bonus based on if they are at the ideal temperature or not.

Bonuses are as follows:

  • Seems a little cold/hot: +0%
  • Seems just a little cold/hot: +50%
  • Seems very comfortable: +100%;

Note: As of v0.1.5.0 multiple sources of heat or cold generators will increase the temperature further.


    • Added new eggs for the new Pals.
    • Pyrin Noct no longer appears in Large Dark Eggs.
    • Warsect no longer appears in Huge Verdant Eggs.
    • Breeding eggs now have a slight chance to produce an Alpha Pal.
    • Eggs now have a small chance to produce Alpha Pals icon.png  Alpha Pals.
      • Only wild eggs and eggs dropped by Bellanoir (10%) have a chance to appear as Alpha.
    • Introduced.
