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#073  Beakon View Palpedia  Katress #075

Ragnahawk (Japanese: イグニクス Ignix) is a  Fire element pal.


Ragnahawk is a medium sized bird-like Pal sharing similarities in body shape with Beakon and Helzephyr despite bearing no relation to either Pal species, with mainly red/orange feathers, the back, face, and wing/tail tips of Ragnahawk are black, the wings and tail bear orange spots along them, the head has a plume that ends in the yellow tip and the face has yellow markings.

Behavior and habitat

Its hostile and will attack on sight.

Daytime Ragnahawk Spawns
Nightime Ragnahawk Spawns


Ragnahawk is able to ???.


    • Increased the Alpha Received Damage Rate from 0.2 to 0.24.
    • The increased attack power multiplier of partner skills that increase the player's attack power while riding has been uniformly reduced from 2.0 to 1.2.
    • Introduced.


  • This Pal was named by the community during a Name This Pal event.
  • The name might be a blend of “Ragnarok,” the apocalyptic event in Norse mythology, and “hawk.”
  • In Japanese, its name could be a combination of “Ignis” and “Phoenix.”
  • This Pal is #074 in Paldeck on PocketPair X.


Paldeck No.074 RAGNAHAWK - Palworld Gameplay Pocketpair