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Dragostrophe is a large mainly black Dragon-like pal with red patches of fur on its lower body and its eyebrows. It resembles a feathered dragon with black and red colors, plus a pair of jet-black wings.

Behavior and habitat

It is currently unobtainable without mods. It is aggressive towards the player automatically.


Allows the player to ride and fly on it.


    • Its data has been removed from the game files.


  • The Paldeck entry attributed to Dragostrophe that has been found in the files of the game shares many similarities with the Paldeck entry of Astegon, possibly hinting that these Pals are somehow related or at least were planned to be at some point.
    • Its body shape also bears some resemblance to Quivern while its coloring is a match for Incineram, suggesting this pal's design might have been used to make them.
