Dark Mutant

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A humanoid pal that has 2 black horns, 2 purple horns above its eyes, and a purple pattern on its head. It also has purple claws on its hands and feet.

Behavior and habitat

Currently unobtainable without mods. It is aggressive towards the player automatically.


Allows the player to safely ride Dark Mutant.

It doesn't work in the game currently.


    • Its data has been removed from the game files.


  • Within the game files, Lunaris is referred to as "Mutant". While "Dark Mutant" does share a similar profile, and may or may not be intended to be a Lunaris subspecies, any speculation regarding any relation between the two pals is currently unconfirmed (and should be considered baseless until further information appears). Alternatively, Dark Mutant might have just been the beta version of Lunaris.
  • It resembles Mega Mewtwo Y from Pokémon.
